Dr. Peter Coutteau, Business Unit Manager – Aquaculture, Nutriad International NV, Belgium
Bacterial and viral infections continue to cause disastrous collapses of the aquaculture industry. Import regulations, consumer demands and sustainable management strategies restrict the number of drugs available to treat pathogens. Vaccines are in many fish species still limited and even ineffective in crustaceans, which lack a specific immune system similar to that of vertebrates. Therefore, aquaculture producers must consider genetics, seed stock quality, husbandry procedures and healthy nutrition as key tools to control disease. This talk reports on recent progress in the development of functional feed additives capable of keeping the bad bugs under control in shrimp and fish farming using multiple mode of actions.
Functional feeds containing gut health promotors allow the delivery of an adequate concentration of natural antimicrobial/anti-parasitic activities into the digestive system of fish and shrimp with every meal . These feeds are an important component of any strategy to prevent opportunistic bacterial diseases such as Vibriosis. However, the success of this approach will depend on the efficacy of the selected gut health promotor against the pathogenic bacteria involved. Synergistic blends of natural compounds can be selected on their bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties against a specific range of pathogenic bacteria in vitro. Recent research shows that apart from direct bactericide or bacteriostatic effects, selected combinations of antimicrobial compounds are at the basis of more complex mechanisms to steer microbiota composition, ie Quorum Sensing (QS) disruption
Peter Coutteau obtained a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences in 1992 at the Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center, University of Gent, on the filter feeding biology of Artemia and bivalves. He continued his research at postdoc level on lipid nutrition of bivalves, fish and shrimp, publishing over 40 refereed papers in scientific journals. In 1997 he joined INVE Technologies NV, as head of R&D in the aquaculture division. In 1999, he took up R&D for a new range of premixes and feed additives for grow-out feeds for fish and shrimp. From 2002-2008, he was product manager farm nutrition for INVE’s Business Unit Aquaculture, responsible for global product development and customer service for feed concentrates and additives for fish/shrimp feedmilling and farming. From 2006-2010, he was the general manager of the research company Caditec Testing SL (Cadiz, Spain). Since 2009, Dr. Coutteau has been Manager of Nutriad’s Business Unit Aquaculture, directing the product development, customer service and implementation of sales objectives for a specialized portfolio of aquaculture additives.